The plant of cashew (occidental anacardium), native to Brasil and subsequently cultivated in other regions, belongs to the family of anacardiaceae.
The major producers of cashew are located in India, Brazil, Vietnam and some regions of East Africa.
The kernel, which process is very complex, is known for its high nutritive power: is plenty of proteins and fat polysaturated.
The plant, which needs a tropical climate to grow, originates two kernels: the fresh one ("false kernel") used raw and the dried one contained in a very hard shell.
After the shell removal, the kernel is thermal processed in boiling water in order to remove the urticating skin.
Wholes are used as snack together with other roasted dried fruits. Brokens, in different sizes and grades, like SP1, SP2, G1, G2, X1, X2 and meal, are mainly used as ingredient, together with pinenut and walnut kernels, for the production of a particular sauce, the famous Italian "pesto", based on olive oil and basilicum mixture.
Our company prefers Brazilian cashew because it's the only origin which allows a careful raw material selection.